Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pumpkin Patch in Temecula

Peyton loved the animals at the pumpkin patch! She was very comfortable around all of them. You can tell she has two dogs of her own at home.

Peyton had her first pony ride (with Daddy there for support of course)!

Fun at Jordan's 2nd BDay Party

Loved the "Lady and the Tramp" birthday theme. I can't believe Peyton wore her dog ears as long as she did!

13 Month Photo

All smiles with her giggle bear!

Fun at the Park

It was a great day at Harveston Park in Temecula. We went exploring and played on the Playground.

Trying on her Halloween Costume

She seems to like wearing her Halloween costume. What a cute little pink octopus! She also has a Peacock costume that she'll either wear to the pumpkin patch or while trick-or-treating.

Epcot at Walt Disney World

Peyton wasn't too sure about the gigantic mouse and duck she met at Epcot. She seemed confused!

Vacation in Orlando, FL

Peyton loved Coco Beach, and had a lot of fun playing in the water with her Dad.

Girl on the Go

"I've got my cell phone and my car keys. Let's go!"

Peyton's 1st Birthday

Everyone came to celebrate!

What a great 1st Birthday for Peyton! She played and laughed with family and friends, and got birthday cake all over herself. So much so, that she had to take a bath afterwards (Her Auntie Michelle helped dry her off)!

Who Needs Toys?!?

Peyton and Hunter had fun playing with one of the gift bags.

Favorite Seat in the New House

Peyton loves to sit on the first step of our staircase. I guess it's just her size!

Social Butterfly

During our visit to Disneyland, Peyton loved interacting with other kids she met. Silly girl!

Second Disneyland Trip

On this trip to Disneyland Peyton was walking so it was a whole new experience for her. She got to ride around on Daddy's shoulders, and went on one of the rides in the "A Bugs Life" kids area.

Our New House

These pictures were taken on our second day in our new house. We hope you like it Peyton! It's our new home!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Peyton's First Tooth

Finally! On July 18th, 2006 Peyton's first tooth starting coming in! At almost 11 months old, Peyton got her first tooth later than the average baby.

Pool Time

There is no doubt that going to the pool is one of Peyton's favorite things to do!

Fun with the Backyard Hose

Peyton loves water no matter what form it comes in! This was cold water from the hose in our backyard, but that didn't stop her from spending more than an hour playing in the water with her Dad.

Play Time

Peyton loves to play with her music set.

All Gums

Look at that smile. She's still all gums at almost 10 months of age! When is her first tooth going to come in?

Look at Those Beautiful Eyes

What a charmer!

Bath Time

Peyton loves taking baths, but she especially loves playing around with her towel after the bath. The bath must give her a boost of energy, because she's always ready to play afterwards.